Is Salehoo a Scam? Does Salehoo Suck, Really?

People Seeking Reviews of Salehoo Want to Know, “Can You Make Money Using Salehoo?”

Is Feeling Scammed the Same as Being Scammed?

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When trying to evaluate whether or not Salehoo is a scam, or for that matter any other wholesale directory, whether online or off, it is important to use common sense.  Before making any purchase, you simply must read the sales page thoroughly and take the time to read the terms of service (TOS).  If you have any questions, you will serve your best interests by getting in touch with the owners of the products.

In the case of Salehoo, you should feel free to contact Salehoo Support to make sure you have the correct understanding of what to expect from the Salehoo membership.  Salehoo, of course, is not a product supplier (a common misunderstanding) but an online wholesale directory.  These days, because of the fever of interest in drop shipping companies and finding legitimate wholesle products to sell online, there are many reviews of Salehoo, World Wide Brands, Aid and Trade, and many other online memberships provides contact information about product suppliers.

Please remember, if you are thinking about starting or have started a business that depends in part on drophip ecommerce, take the time to research your product supplier sources and your sources of information on product supply.

When searching for wholesale EBay products suppliers or for any other sources of wholesale products, keep in mind that this is vital aspect of your business.  It is not the entirety of your business.  Just because you plan to use a dropshipping model does not mean your business will inherently be “easier” or that you won’t have to work as hard.  My point, here, is to take the time to do the research so that you can source your products with confidence.

Written by promaxsourcing

November 30, 2008 at 9:28 am

Posted in Free Tips