Is Salehoo a Scam? Does Salehoo Suck, Really?

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Dirty Wholesale Secrets Scam

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One of the dirtiest wholesale secrets is the belief that there is a secret when there really isn’t.  That way you keep looking for the answer–and spending money on the answer–when there is nothing to find. 

It is difficult under the best circumstances to avoid scams, wholesale dropshipping scams, or any other sor of scam. We think one of the best ways to avoid the big rip-off is to be informed. We know you may be trying to figure out whether or not Salehoo is a scam. Well, let’s consider some general information.

Generally, by working with online dropship wholesale vendors, you, the client are not required to purchase large quantities of products. Normally, with a dropship vendor, such as Doba, you are not purchasing from a manufacturer, but a distributor who may or may not be a true wholesaler. However, you will not need to warehouse those products until they are sold. The company handles the packaging and shipping, and ships under your name.

When orders are placed through a dropship supplier,as mentnioned above, they process the order and ship to the purchaser. Your company label with your address can be part of the packaging to make it look like it shipped from your company. Some companies are even set up to handle RMA–that is, merchanidse returns.

Avoid stale supplier lists. Seek a directory whose wholesale dropshipping contacts are fresh and updated. Obviously, old lists stand a better chance of being useless to you. Although we don’t think it is always necessary to have a list of thousands of wholesale distributors, it doesn’t hurt. The really good online directories, such as Salehoo, or One Source (World Wide Brands), will have hundreds and hundreds of suppliers listed, which will give you potential access to thousands of products. For example, music CD, DVD’s, dress shoes, suits, electronics, plasma TV’s or just about anything you would expect to find online including closeout items at the lowest prices around.

Visit forums and user groups when researching wholesale dropship suppliers. Try testing the supplier if you can have a friend make a test purchase on your behalf. The good online directories will have 60 money back guarantee so that you can try it out to see if it is right for you.

For another helpful Salehoo scam resource, please see:

The Salehoo Scam Question

Written by promaxsourcing

June 22, 2008 at 7:44 am

Posted in Salehoo Program